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    Prayer Concerns

"...pray for one another, that ye maybe healed. The effectual prayer of a righteous man availeth much"

James 5:16

• Those ailing or confined to hospitals, homes or nursing homes:

Family of Tim Simula,

Sara Fischer, Dean Juntunen,

Jessica Laukka, Shirley Magnuson,

Kurt Barney, Lori Nestrud,

Keith Sunnarborg, Bethany Sunnarborg,

Joanne Mattinen, Bob & Casey Soderburg, John Aili, Paul Sivigny,  Judy Marshall, Eddie & Cheryl Puumala




  • Emily J, Robert & Ulla, 

  • Derek & Kristy Johnson

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  • Military:

  •  Nils Gedenberg, Bruce McRae, Heath Parks,

  • Hunter Barto,

  • Steve Lewis,

  • Joshua Blodgett, Jeremy Blodgett,

  • Sean Kangas, Bryce Tumberg,

  • Brandt Tumberg, Reid Sunnarborg

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